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What To Wear In New Orleans In December

I’m planning a trip to New Orleans in December and I’m wondering what to wear. I’m looking for something comfortable and stylish that will keep me warm but also allow me to enjoy the sights and sounds of the city. I’m thinking of layers, like a long-sleeve shirt, a sweater, and a light coat. I’d also like to bring a hat and scarf to keep my head and neck warm. I’m also considering bringing a pair of comfortable shoes, like sneakers or boots, that will provide good support and traction. I’m also wondering if I should bring an umbrella or raincoat in case of rain. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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1 Answer

  1. New Orleans in December can be quite chilly, so it’s important to dress in layers. A good option is to wear a long-sleeved shirt or sweater, jeans, and a light jacket. You may also want to bring a scarf, hat, and gloves to keep you warm. If you plan to be out and about, a pair of comfortable shoes is also a must.