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What To Wear In England

I’m planning a trip to England and I’m not sure what to wear. I’m looking for advice on what type of clothing is appropriate for the weather and culture. I’m aware that England has a temperate climate, but I’m not sure what to expect in terms of temperature and precipitation. I’m also unsure of the dress code. I’m looking for advice on how to dress for the weather, as well as what is considered fashionable and acceptable in England. Any advice on what to wear in England would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. It depends on the season and the occasion. Generally, for casual days, you should wear comfortable and practical clothing such as jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers. For more formal occasions, you should wear smart casual clothing such as trousers, a shirt, and a blazer or a dress. In the colder months, you should layer up with sweaters and coats to keep warm. For rainy days, you should wear waterproof clothing such as a raincoat or a jacket with a hood.