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What To See In Oaxaca

I’m planning a trip to Oaxaca and I’m wondering what I should see while I’m there. I’m looking for a mix of cultural and natural attractions, as well as some fun activities. I’m hoping to get some advice from people who have been to Oaxaca and can recommend some of the best things to do. I’m especially interested in exploring the local culture and cuisine, and learning more about the history of the region. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

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1 Answer

  1. There are many things to see in Oaxaca, Mexico. Some of the most popular attractions include the Monte Alban archeological site, the Mitla archeological site, the Hierve el Agua natural springs, the Tule tree, the Santo Domingo Church, the Oaxaca Cathedral, the Rufino Tamayo Museum, the Guelaguetza Festival, the Benito Juarez Market, the Oaxaca Botanical Garden, the Oaxaca Cultural Museum, the Oaxaca Ethnobotanical Garden, and the Oaxaca Regional Museum.