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What To See In Guam

I’m planning a trip to Guam and I’m wondering what I should see while I’m there. I’m looking for some recommendations on the best places to visit. I’m interested in seeing some of the natural sights, such as the beaches and rainforests, as well as the cultural attractions. I’m also interested in learning more about the history of the island and the people who live there. Any advice on what I should see while I’m in Guam would be greatly appreciated!

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1 Answer

  1. There are many great attractions to see in Guam. Some of the top attractions include the War in the Pacific National Historical Park, the Two Lovers Point, the Chamorro Village, the Guam Museum, the Tumon Bay, and the Talofofo Falls. Other popular activities include snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, and exploring the island’s many beaches.