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What To See In Beacon Ny

I’m planning a trip to Beacon, NY and I’m wondering what there is to see and do in the area. I’m looking for suggestions on attractions, restaurants, and activities that I should check out while I’m there. I’m hoping to get some ideas from the locals and other travelers who have been to Beacon. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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1 Answer

  1. I recently took a trip to Beacon, NY and was overwhelmed by all the things to see and do. I started my day by exploring the Dia:Beacon, an incredible modern art museum. I was amazed by the expansive galleries, filled with works from some of the most renowned contemporary artists. I then made my way to the Hudson Valley Brewery, where I sampled some of their delicious craft beers. Afterward, I took a stroll along the Hudson River waterfront, taking in the spectacular views of the mountains and the river.

    I then visited the Beacon Sloop Club, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the Hudson River and its ecology. I learned about the history of the river and the importance of preserving its natural beauty. Afterward, I visited the Madam Brett Homestead, a historic house museum that offers a glimpse into the past. I was captivated by the artifacts and stories of the people who once lived there.

    Finally, I stopped by