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How Far Did The Magi Travel To Find Jesus

I’m wondering how far the magi traveled to find Jesus. I’ve heard stories about their journey, but I’m curious to know what the exact distance was. I’m sure it was a long, difficult journey, and I’m in awe of the magi’s determination to find the newborn King. I’m sure they had to overcome many obstacles along the way. I’m sure they had to travel through some unfamiliar and dangerous terrain. I’m sure they had to trust in God to guide them and protect them on their journey. I’m sure they had to rely on the stars to lead them to the right place. I’m sure they had to endure many hardships, including hunger and fatigue. I’m sure they had to have faith that they would find Jesus. I’m sure they had to have a lot of courage to keep going. I’m sure they had to have a lot of patience to wait for the right moment. I’m sure they had to have a lot of love

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