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What To See In La Crosse Wi

I’m planning a trip to La Crosse, Wisconsin and I’m looking for suggestions of what to do while I’m there. I’m looking for activities that are fun and interesting, and that will give me a great experience of the city. I’m open to anything from outdoor activities like hiking and biking, to cultural experiences like museums and art galleries. I’m also interested in local restaurants, bars, and nightlife. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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1 Answer

  1. There are plenty of things to see and do in La Crosse, Wisconsin! Here are some of the highlights:

    1. Visit the La Crosse Queen, a Mississippi River paddle boat that offers dinner cruises and sightseeing tours.

    2. Take a stroll through Riverside Park, a picturesque park with a scenic overlook of the Mississippi River.

    3. Explore the historic downtown area, with its unique shops and restaurants.

    4. Visit the La Crosse County Historical Society, which offers a variety of exhibits and artifacts.

    5. Enjoy the great outdoors at Grandad Bluff Park, with its breathtaking views of the city and the river.

    6. Take a tour of the La Crosse Brewing Company, which offers samples of its locally-brewed beer.

    7. Visit the La Crosse Public Library, which houses a large collection of books and other materials.

    8. Catch a show at the La Cros